Monday 23 June 2014

The Conjuring Trailer Analysis

At the beginning of the trailer it starts of with the background information of the movie which is based on true events. It does not begin like other trailers with an equilibrium it starts of with the disruption, this is effective as it easily grabs the audience's attention on what the whole movie would be about.
The climax of the trailer beings to build at around 50 seconds into the trailer which shows how the disruption came about.

There was no voice overs as it was given through the dialogue of the actors in the trailer. The dialogue given gave us the audience what the mother of the children wants to happen as she is afraid of the events that is disrupting her families peace in their new home.

The mise-en-scene of the movie tells us that this movie was set in the suburbs of America as the houses are quite far apart from each other and is much more peaceful than the city. The props that they used were the wind up mirror toy and technology devices that would capture any of the supernatural events happening around the house.

The captions/subtitles used in the trailer portrayed the theme of the trailer as its constant use of the colour scheme black and white. This shows the dark meaning of the movie.
The music they used during the trailer began to build up as the exposition of the trailer started to move on to the montage which showed some of the scenes that would be happening in the movie.

The ending of the trailer does not give you the resolution as the producers of the movie does not want to give away the ending but to draw in the audience to watch the movie when it is released.
The audience of this particular genre is aimed at those who enjoy the thrills of supernatural/horror genres.

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