Thursday 2 October 2014

The Pitch - Supernatural

Final pitch

Original idea for the pitch - Slasher/Stalker
Basic plot synopsis: A psychopathic student (girl) gets bullied at school by other students and a teacher does not help her with her problem. She starts to hold grudges against each and every person who has bullied her and starts to kill them one by one.
Characterisation: Girl (killer) shy, quiet girl who has no friends. Other students: girls and boys who bullies others, think they are more superior than other people.
Teacher: Who teaches media and not really friendly towards students.
Mise-en-scene: School basement as to where the killer would go during break and lunch, it is also the place where she would have her list of victims.
Outdoors such as the park and the streets where the killer would be following her victims.
Props/costumes: School supplies, hammer, chains, saw.
During school they will wear school uniform and for the killer she will wear dark clothing (black) to hide her identity and have a scary doll make-up.

Development of pitch ideas:
Our original idea was just to have a psychopathic girl killing her victims but after a feedback from teachers we discussed how we can change our idea and we thought about the girl having supernatural powers (witchcraft) that she did not know about and that her mother passed it down to her.
Also another idea we had was for her whole identity to be hidden. However, it was hard to figure out how to hide her identity as she's getting bullied and at the same time she's the killer. So we said she should be a witch. We also said she should try to commit suicide has she couldn't take no more bullying but her mother stops her.

For props we only had the basic hammers and chains for props but with the witchcraft being brought into the plot line we included daggers, spell books and candles.
Also for characters in the plot we included the girls mother who would reveal to her that she has been passed down the powers of being a witch.

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