Monday 27 April 2015

Main trailer cast

Crisbel Sabiniano as "Isabella Enriquez"

Isabella has two personas where she would change from one to another. Her first person is her ‘nerdy’ side where she constantly bullied by her peers especially by Fabian and Jon. Her second persona is where she has a huge transformation from being nerdy to an intriguing character. Crisbel will be playing this character as she seems to be a quiet and innocent girl which no one would think she would be capable to do anything to anyone. The reason for this is we want to show the huge transformation from being bullied to being intriguing/ a shock to her peers.

Freddy Mosquera as "Fabian Marquez"

Fabian is one of the main bullies who picks on Isabella. His role is to verbally and physically bully Isabella due to her lack of communication skills with others and always keeping to herself. He is an outgoing boy who is able to socialise with everyone and anyone apart from Isabella.Freddy will be playing this character as he portrays himself to be an innocent boy who does not seem to pick on others but does most of the bullying. 

 Jordache Nawesi as "Mr. Samuels"

Mr. Samuels is a teacher of the students and his role is to teach them about Media and give the help and support the students need. However, he does not help Isabella when she is bullied by her peers, he seems to enjoy the scene but does not show it as it would be inappropriate. This subverts to the role of teachers as they are trained to handle different situations that students give. Jordache will be playing the teacher as he is able to keep calm of all situations given to him so he would not give away the role of being a teacher unlike the other casts who would act like a normal class of students misbehaving or being talkative.

Jonathan Atehortua as "Jon Castillon"

Jon is Fabian’s close friend who also bullies Isabella, he does not bully Isabella as much but being one of Fabian’s close friend he bullies her the same way but only when he has the chance or when he is told to do so. His character is able to socialise with others like Fabian. Jonathan will play this character as he’s one of the people who is taller than Isabella who makes her feel intimidated when he stands in front or next to her. 

Bethan Taylor as "Laura Taylor"

Laura is one of the people who Isabella trusted out of all her peers but Laura ends up exposing Isabella when a photo of Fabian drops out of her witchcraft book. Bethan will play the role of Laura as she is the type of person who is able to socialise with everyone and is not judge by others with who she is friends with. She is ideal for our trailer as she does not have to change her personality in our trailer.

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